
What we do

Exclusive Market Research and reports

Real Industry specific Data to drive decisions

A Dedicated consultant To ensure success

How we help your launch or expansion in Africa.


Research in Africa has its own unique nuances, to begin with the availability of current information and data online is limited. To get accurate results , you will need a provider who understands the African research context and terrain. A company who will work with you to deliver accurate research results.

We offer bespoke on the ground market research and surveys, If you want to make sense of data, consumer trends, competitor analysis, primary research, secondary Research, on the ground information sourcing with relevant stakeholders, reports, forecasts and insights, we will get it done for you. You need a local research partner not just generic international reports.

A partner to help you with accurate local market research and information.

A partner who advises you not only on the amazing opportunities in Africa but also provides the risk profile of your particular venture.

Afrique Monitor has helped clients execute various research tasks across a wide range of industries.

Get in touch with Us.

We will support you with excellent market research in the over 30 countries we work in.


Forget about the titles, forget about big names, forget about hype, forget gender ,forget about whether education was in Africa or Ivy League. When you are looking for a business consultant, it is because you want as much help to strategically position your business to be more effective.

To do any work in Africa, you need as much street sense as well as educational laurels. Whether it is to provide Market research, identify competition, mitigate risks or ‘on the ground’ due diligence, one thing is certain, you need a consultancy who can genuinely help you, consultants who know the peculiarity of the market , will do the hard work of verifying information and aligning the ‘on ground’ realities against regulations on paper.

You need a firm who can make sense of the data and can identify the right contacts, clients, leads, lawyers, distributors et cetera for your business or product. The consultancy you engage should be able to identify what you really need, close all gaps and get the job done on time. At the end of the day, Positioning your business effectively and profitably is what really matters.

If you are interested in operating in African turfs and  you want valuable help and  insights. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Afrique Monitor provides boutique consultancy services for international businesses to find their way in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Just talk to us.

Grow your business with us

We will connect you to the right people you need to grow your business. We will help to expanding your business network and reach in specified markets and appeal to the right audience. We also offer  client representation services if you are not based on the ground and need help to facilitate things.

Whether you need to reach other corporates or government officials, assist in promotion of products and services, incorporation of business, agent representative et cetera. We are more than glad to assist you.

Our data collectors across several African markets will help you gather real time data on any product or service during market research.

Whether its raw data, lean in data, CATI, CAWI,CAPI, surveys, focus groups, interviews or any other is sub-Saharan Africa. We can help

We are detailed, truthful, expert and supportive .

If you’re interested in retrieving corporate data or filings in any of the markets we work in, then talk to us.

We have a strong network of lawyers , analysts and security consultants who assist with all kinds of corporate retrieval services, due diligence, reputational assessments and different kinds of investigations within our core markets.

Use the contact form to send your request and we will respond promptly to your enquiries.